The Sea Shore
I, received a vision from the Lord of the spiritual journey. I was brought to the shore of a vast ocean. Its waters were unlike those I had ever seen before. Its waters were so still that overwhelming silence
pierced through the air. Towards the horizon, I could see the sun begin its ascent into the clear sky.
Vibrant colors of purple, orange, and teal flooded the sky. The waters began to glisten as the sun rose. It glistened like millions of diamonds, pure crystals, and brilliant sapphires and rubies. Their reflection of the rising sun blinded me so sharply that even when I closed my eyes, the memory of them was still as vivid as when I had had my eyes open. As I peered off towards the distance, I could see an immense mountain of gold leading towards some far off land. I felt within me a deep yearning to climb the mountain and to follow the path towards the land I could not see. But there was an ocean between me and the mountain that I could not cross. I began to cry as my soul groaned within me. As my tears fell into the water, they began to disturb the stillness, making the water move and ripple. Suddenly, a small boat appeared from the misty horizon. It floated directly towards me and stopped on the shore in front of me. It was big enough for me alone and just as it had appeared on its own, so did it take me on its own towards the golden mountain.
This is part one of a seven part project. For the full story click here