Join us in establishing the Eucharistic Kingdom of Christ.
Your generous donations play a crucial role in forming and educating our Sisters, securing basic necessities, and ultimately allowing us to share the beautiful message of Christ’s Eucharisitc Presence through media and in-person evangelization.
Please note that we are a tax-exempt, charitable, religious organization listed in the Federal Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).
Novitiate House Building Fund
Our most pressing need is the construction of new housing for our Novices, as our Institute is rapidly outgrowing our current building. You can help bring our plans for this necessary expansion to life and equip us for years of continued growth.
Ways To Support

Initial Formation Fund
Provide for the formation and spiritual development of the young women in our Novitiate House through seminary education, retreats, and other events.

Permanent Formation Fund
Support our Temporary and Perpetually Professed Sisters as they continue to take meaningful classes, go on their required Spiritual Exercises every year, attend conferences, and seek other opportunities to better know and serve our Lord.

Media Fund
Building the Eucharistic Kingdom means evangelizing through media. Help us to reach more souls hungry for the Eucharist by supporting our efforts to create high-quality online content like videos and music recordings!

Gift Cards
Our Sisters always benefit from receiving Walmart, Amazon, and grocery store gift cards. Please drop them off to our Sisters directly or mail them to 1355 W. 70th Street, Cleveland OH, 44102.
Wills and Bequests
Remembering us in your will or bequest is a meaningful way to support the ongoing mission of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. You can specify how you would like us to use your gift.
If you wish to add us to your existing will, you do not need to create a new will. Simply ask your attorney to prepare a “codicil,” which is a legal document that amends your original will. You can modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
Information you need:
- Our Legal Name: Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
- Our Address: 1355 W. 70th Street, Cleveland, OH 44102
- Our Tax ID number: 74-2299317
Please note: The following examples are for illustrative purposes only. They are not intended as legal, tax or financial advice. Always consult your legal, tax or financial advisor or other trusted professional advisor before making or amending your will.
(1) Residuary Bequest: After all debts, expenses and specific bequests to others have first been fulfilled, I give the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to The Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, located in Cleveland, Ohio, Tax ID 74-2299317, for its general purposes.
(2) Specific Bequest: I give to the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, located in Cleveland, Ohio, Tax ID 74-2299317, the sum of $_____, for its general purposes.
(3) Real Estate: I leave to the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament., of Cleveland, Ohio, Tax ID 74-2299317, the real property described as follows: [property description] And I direct my Executor/Executrix to sell the above-described real property and distribute the net proceeds to the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, located in Cleveland, Ohio, Tax ID 74-2299317, for its general purposes.
Beneficiary Designation
Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their wills or estate plan. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a Beneficiary Designation provides by using life insurance policies, IRA’s, retirement plans, and commercial annuities.
1. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial Institution for a “change-of-beneficiary form.”
2. On the form, name us a beneficiary, using the title: “Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, Federal Tax ID Number: 74-2299317.” Indicate the percentage (0% – 100%) you would like us to receive.
3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Always consult your legal, tax or financial advisor or other trusted professional advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.
For further questions or information please contact Mother Jeanette Marie, HMSS at
Mailing Your Gift
Support us by sending checks made payable to “Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.” Mail to us directly at: 1355 W. 70th Street, Cleveland, OH 44102.