Who We Are
Perpetually Professed Sisters
M. Maria Isabel Rodriguez, Regional Superior
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Maria Isabel Rodriguez, Regional Superior
Perpetually Professed Sister
Mother Isabel was born in Tijuana, Baja California Norte, México, the border with San Diego, California. She has four siblings, two brothers and two sisters. She received her first education in one of our Mercedarian schools and from there felt Jesus calling her to Religious life.
Mother Isabel entered in the Community on August 8, 1986 when she was 17 years old. She celebrated her silver anniversary from first profession on August 15, 2015.
Joined the community: August 8, 1986
First Profession: August 15, 1990
Perpetual Vows:
Highlight Of Daily Life:
What M. Isabel enjoys most is sharing her daily life with the community as she was doing with her family when she was with them and putting her gifts at Jesus’ service.
What Inspires Her:
M. Isabel is really enjoying reading In Sinu Jesu. It is helping her to enter more deeply into adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and increases her desire to surrender her life to Jesus.
M. Mary Rosario Vega, Regional Vicar
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Mary Rosario Vega, Regional Vicar
Perpetually Professed Sister
M. Rosario was born in a beautiful colonial city called San Luis Potosi in Mexico. She is number 4 of 5 siblings and attended Catholic Schools since Kindergarten. She attended the Instituto Renacimiento, an Elementary and Preparatory school staffed by the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Mexico City where she learned about the Mercedarians’ life, felt strongly attracted to their way of living and responded to God's call.
Joined the community: July 1, 1972
First Profession: August 14, 1975
Perpetual Vows: 1981
Highlight Of Daily Life:
M. Rosario enjoys her ministry as Principal and administrator because it gives her the opportunity to touch the hearts of the children and parents and lead the school to spiritual and academic excellence. The best part of each day is her time spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament to bring in front of Him all the needs of the school.
What Inspires Her:
She enjoys the time spent in community, sharing her life and apostolate with the 3 younger sisters in temporary vows who are under her guidance and care.

M. Jeanette Marie Estrada, Council Member, Vocations Director & Mother Mistress
Perpetually Professed Sister
M. Jeanette Marie Estrada, Council Member, Vocations Director & Mother Mistress
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Jeanette Marie Estrada, Council Member, Vocations Director & Mother Mistress
Perpetually Professed Sister
Mother Jeanette Marie was born in Mexico City, Mexico, the youngest of 3 children. She studied 11 years in one of our Mercedarian Schools in Mexico where she enjoyed playing games with the sisters during our recess time. Mother Jeanette Marie joined the community in her junior year when she was 16 years old. Mother General allowed her to do postulancy as she finished high school.
Highlight Of Daily Life:
M. Jeanette Marie has the honor of accompanying her sisters in their beginning of religious life as Mother Mistress. It is incredible how much Jesus has enlarged her heart by loving these young women who desire with all their mind, heart and strength to surrender their lives to Christ. She commends them daily to Jesus during her adoration time in front of the Blessed Sacrament exposed in our chapel.
What Inspires Her:
M. Jeanette Marie read the book In Sinu Jesu, which has reaffirmed her so much in the value of our adoration time and the power of intercession. God is really a Father to us, a Father that loves us to the end.

Sr. Marilupe Mier y Teran, Council Member
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Marilupe Mier y Teran, Council Member
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Marilupe Mier y Teran, Council Member
Perpetually Professed Sister
M. Rita Pinedo, Council Member
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Rita Pinedo, Council Member
Perpetually Professed Sister
After a beautiful experience with the Lord during her First Communion, Mother Rita felt called to give her life to God. Seven years after, at 14 years old, she entered with our sisters. Mother Rita knew them because she went to our school. Two of her sisters are also Sisters in our Congregation!
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Mother Rita's communion with Christ during Mass and silent Adoration with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
What Inspires Her:
Her community that is full of love and charity!
Sr. Dulce Maria Flores
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Dulce Maria Flores
Perpetually Professed Sister
I was sent to the Mojave Desert in California immediately after entering the community in Corpus Christi. I was sent to teach in the school and worked with the military personnel in catechesis. My final vows were November 1, 1963
Highlight Of Daily Life:
What I like about my daily life with the Sisters in my community is their deep spirituality that is shared in community along with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There is a joy living and working with them.
What Inspires Her:
My greatest inspiration is a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sr. Patricia Rodriguez
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Patricia Rodriguez
Perpetually Professed Sister
I was born in Pleasanton, TX. I worked for a doctor and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. I was engaged. A priest asked me if I wanted to be a nun. I told him I had never thought about it before. I joined the Legion of Mary and we would pray the rosary, visit families and hospitals and I loved it. I spoke to the same priest that had asked me if I wanted to be a nun and he told me: “you need to make a decision.” He said, “do you want to spend the rest of your life with one man and have a family? Or would you like to consecrate yourself to God and serve many people? I knew I wanted to give myself to God.
Joined the community: July 26, 1965 when I was 24 years old.
Date of First Profession: September 24, 1968
Date of Perpetual Vows: September 24, 1971
Highlight Of Daily Life:
I love my adoration time. I love that. I love being with Jesus.
What Inspires Her:
M. Dolores inspires me. She was already a professed sister when I entered. She’s very intelligent. She was always willing to help us and especially the other sisters who had recently arrived from Mexico. She sacrificed her own studies to help the sisters.
Sr. Gloria de Maria Medina
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Gloria de Maria Medina
Perpetually Professed Sister
I was born in Michoacan, MX and I have 6 siblings.
I entered in the Community 1947 when I was 16 years old.
Highlight Of Daily Life:
What I enjoy the most is serving my community.
What Inspires Her:
Congregation in my community.
Sr. Lucy Sánchez
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Lucy Sánchez
Perpetually Professed Sister
I was born in Jalisco, MX and I have 13 siblings. Some of my sisters are even Sisters too!
I entered in the Community in 1961 when I was 17 years old.
Highlight Of Daily Life:
What I enjoy the most is praying the rosary.
What Inspires Her:
Having the opportunity to take care of one of the elderly sisters in my community.

Sr. Martha Mendoza
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Martha Mendoza
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Martha Mendoza
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Rosa Erlinda Pocasangre
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Rosa Erlinda Pocasangre
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Rosa Erlinda Pocasangre
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Demetria Castro
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Demetria Castro
Perpetually Professed Sister
My father brought me to the community after he had been informed of what community life is and what convent they would be sending me to. I entered the congregation April 8, 1964 in San Luis, Potosi
Highlight Of Daily Life:
My greatest joy has always been to celebrate the Eucharist with my Mercedarian family.
What Inspires Her:
Dulce’s ministry, how God uses us human beings to get closer to His people.
Sr. Stella Contreras
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Stella Contreras
Perpetually Professed Sister
Anything going on at the Church, I was there. I was all the time at the Church. One time, I was going home and my sister met me at the door with a luggage so I could stay there because I was always there! One night, I was praying and I said, ‘Lord, I give you three days so you can tell me if I really want to follow you.’ But the next day I said, if I get married, I’m not going to be able to go to Church everyday. So
the next day, I was ready. I didn’t need the three days. I told my family that friday night. Saturday, I got everything ready, and I went to the convent on that Monday.
Final Profession: September 24, 1966
Highlight Of Daily Life:
I love the prayer. That really called my heart when I first visited the sisters.
What Inspires Her:
Community prayer has been inspiring me lately!

Sr. Teresita Paz
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Teresita Paz
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Teresita Paz
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Teresea Gomez
Perpetually Professed Sister
M. Teresea Gomez
Perpetually Professed Sister

M. Teresea Gomez
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Kathryne of the Holy Trinity Cornista Lopez, Assistant Formator
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Kathryne of the Holy Trinity Cornista Lopez, Assistant Formator
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Trinity grew up moving around a lot being in a Navy family. She had a significant encounter with the Lord in college and resolved to give her life to Him before she knew that this would lead her to become a sister, a bride of Jesus Christ.
Joined Community: August 5, 2015
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2015
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2016
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2018
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 22, 2022
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Trinity loves that the community's daily life is centered around the Eucharist and follows a Eucharistic rhythm that involves essentially the celebration of the Holy Mass and Eucharistic adoration where they encounter Jesus so they may see Him in the apostolate and bring all those entrusted to them directly to His Heart in the Blessed Sacrament.
What Inspires Her:
Lately, Sr. Trinity has been inspired by how the Holy Spirit is stirring in her life and in the lives of others, and she is excited to see how it all unfolds for the greater community.
Sr. Katherine Marie Chiara McCloskey
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Katherine Marie Chiara McCloskey
Perpetually Professed Sister
I could never shake this insatiable desire for "something more," though I was living a life that most people would see as "successful"...everything changed when I had a profound encounter with God on Pentecost 2012.
Joined Community: July 29, 2014
Entrance to Postulancy: September 24, 2014
Entrance to Novitiate: September 29, 2015
First Profession of Vows: August 14, 2017
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 22, 2022
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Growing in and living from my true identity as a beloved daughter of the Father and a spouse of Jesus Christ.
What Inspires Her:
When people have the courage to be their vulnerable, true selves.
Sr. Yvelyne Marie Bernard
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Yvelyne Marie Bernard
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Yvelyne Marie Bernard, HMSS was born into a Haitian family and was therefore brought up in a very religious and faith filled home. She moved with her parents to Florida by way of New York when she was 15. She finished high school in Florida and attended the University of Florida. After graduating in 2011 she moved to South Louisiana. From there she met the Mercedarians and attended their discernment retreat in Baton Rouge, and the rest is history!
Joined Community: January 10, 2015
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2015
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2016
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2018
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 12, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Yvelyne Marie loves the sharing of Lectio reflections on Saturday within community and enjoys watching The Chosen with community on Sundays. But above all, she cherishes those moments of one-on-one time with Jesus exposed in Eucharistic adoration.
What Inspires Her:
The example of her sisters striving for holiness; the example of Saints who have won their eternal reward and are rooting for us until we win the same; the teachings of JPII, especially Theology of the Body and the teachings of Encounter Ministries.
Sr. April Marie Josefina Candelaria
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. April Marie Josefina Candelaria
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Josefina is originally from Appleton, Wisconsin, is the middle in a family of five children, and grew up mostly in Wesley Chapel, Florida.
Joined Community: July 29, 2014
Entrance to Postulancy: September 24, 2014
Entrance to Novitiate: September 29, 2015
First Profession of Vows: August 14, 2017
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 12, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Josefina loves to laugh with her beloved Sisters and to make them laugh! She also enjoys times of silence and solitude with her Beloved.
What Inspires Her:
The idea of denying one's self in order to put others first has been very helpful to Sr. Josefina as of late as she discovers more about the Mercedarian charism, which is to lay down one's life for those in danger of losing their faith.
Sr. Lourdes of the Holy Eucharist Rebecca Furnells
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Lourdes of the Holy Eucharist Rebecca Furnells
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Lourdes of the Holy Eucharist, HMSS grew up in Florida to a Puerto Rican family where faith was the constant that would guide her decisions and lead her to answer a call to love as Christ in the deepest way she could.
Joined Community: August 2, 2016
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2016
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2017
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2019
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 12, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Lourdes of the Holy Eucharist loves spending long hours in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and silent meditation while majestically staring off in the distance. She also enjoys spending time with her sisters discussing the wonders of God.
What Inspires Her:
Seeing the way the Lord speaks through each of her sisters.
Sr. Tonia of the Heart of Jesus Borsellino
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Tonia of the Heart of Jesus Borsellino
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Tonia of the Heart of Jesus Borsellino, HMSS is originally from Boca Raton, Florida. She grew up involved in her home parish but needed the push of family and friends to live out the faith when she started college. Once she encountered the University of Florida's Catholic Gators Campus Ministry, her faith came alive in ways she could never have imagined. It was there that she first heard about vocations, began discerning, and encountered our Sisters. Praying about the deepest desires of her heart and letting the Lord love her allowed her to follow God's call to enter after graduation.
Joined Community: July 28, 2017
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2017
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2018
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2020
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 3, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Tonia of the Heart of Jesus loves asking Jesus to give her a new awareness of His love every day and realizing how He answers her prayer every time either through the sacraments, encounters with her sisters, or one of His many other unexpected and creative ways.
What Inspires Her:
Seeing how the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of her sisters, students, and all those she encounters.
Sr. Raquel of the Holy Spirit Gutierrez
Perpetually Professed Sister

Sr. Raquel of the Holy Spirit Gutierrez
Perpetually Professed Sister
Sr. Raquel of the Holy Spirit, HMSS was born in Modesto, California and was raised in Riverbank, California where she lived her whole life. Her parents are originally from Mexico and she is the youngest of six siblings. A total love for God and a desire to be completely His, an attraction to religious life, a love for the Church, and the perduring pursuit of the Holy Spirit nudging on her heart all led to her resounding "yes" to God and to the vocation she was made for.
Joined Community: July 27, 2017
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2017
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2018
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2020
Perpetual Profession of Vows: April 3, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Every time she is reminded of the gift of her vocation, she can't help but praise God and say, "I love you, Jesus."
What Inspires Her:
Growing deeper in love with God's Word and discovering its potency to lift the heart in praise, strengthen, edify, and banish the enemy.
Temporary Professed Sisters
Sr. Ashley Marie Refugio Santora
Temporary Professed Sister

Sr. Ashley Marie Refugio Santora
Temporary Professed Sister
Sr. Ashley Marie Refugio Santora, HMSS is the oldest of five and having gone to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the school run by the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, she developed a strong sense of community and reverence for the faith which brought her to discover a deeper call to serve the Lord. She is the first student to enter with the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in the United States.
Joined Community: August 13, 2018
Entrance to Postulancy: August 15, 2018
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2019
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2021
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Ashley Marie Refugio Santora, HMSS enjoys being able to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration and lay down all the worries and tasks at hand and see how he provides ways she may not have expected. Especially the surprise visits by our neighbor's Golden Retriever, Scarlett.
What Inspires Her:
Being able to live and learn from our older sisters in the community and asking Jesus for the grace to surrender my life to him. Also, in the Theology classes that I am taking, I am able to see the deep faith and love that the lay people in my classes have and I pray that I am able to be a witness of Christ's love to everyone I meet, but most importantly to my sisters in community.
Sr. Monica Hope Mercedes Waters
Temporary Professed

Sr. Monica Hope Mercedes Waters
Temporary Professed
Sr. Monica Mercedes Waters, HMSS is the second oldest of four children and was born in Cleveland, Ohio. While delving into her faith more intensely, she discerned the Lord calling her to give herself completely and enter religious life.
Joined Community: January 8, 2019
Entrance to Postulancy: January 9, 2019
Entrance to Novitiate: September 24, 2019
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2021
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Monica Mercedes Waters, HMSS cherishes her time encountering God in the liturgy, especially Mass, deepening her relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during her hour of Adoration, and discovering all the new ways the Lord continues to reveal His love to her every day.
What Inspires Her:
Reading the lives of the saints, Scripture, nature and all the surprising ways the Lord continues to draw her closer to Him.
Sr. Katherine Joseph Marie Allensworth
Temporary Professed

Sr. Katherine Joseph Marie Allensworth
Temporary Professed
Sr. Katherine Joseph Marie, HMSS was born in Canton, Ohio. In college she heard the message of the Gospel and wanted to live for Christ in response to His love. After becoming a nurse, God made it clear that He had more for her life.
Joined Community: January 6, 2021
Entrance to Postulancy: January 6, 2021
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2021
First Profession of Vows: August 13, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Receiving Jesus at Mass and then being with Him in Eucharistic Adoration.
What Inspires Her:
Experiencing God's love in community!
Sr. Grace of Mary Kupiszewski
Temporary Professed

Sr. Grace of Mary Kupiszewski
Temporary Professed
Sr. Grace of Mary, HMSS was born in Orlando, Florida as the middle child of three. She has always had a desire to serve others in whatever way she could. This desire led her closer to God, the ultimate source of help, and to go from a career in physical therapy to religious life.
Joined Community: August 13, 2020
Entrance to Postulancy: August 14, 2020
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2021
First Profession of Vows: August 13, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Grace of Mary, HMSS enjoys watching all the sisters file into the chapel to pray the Divine Office four times a day and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
What Inspires Her:
The daily reminder of God's mercy and love in calling not just her to this vocation, but all her religious sisters
Sr. Chelsea of the Heart of Mary Parza
Temporary Professed

Sr. Chelsea of the Heart of Mary Parza
Temporary Professed
Sr. Chelsea of the Heart of Mary, HMSS was born and raised in Florida within a close-knit Catholic Filipino household. Through a gradual strengthening of her faith in God’s tender mercy, she was able to recognize the call that God had placed on her heart to become his bride. After participating in college ministries, becoming a registered nurse, and continuing to strive for holiness, she chose to surrender to God’s plan.
Joined Community: August 13, 2020
Entrance to Postulancy: August 14, 2020
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2021
First Profession of Vows: August 13, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Chelsea of the Heart of Mary, HMSS cherishes her daily alone time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for one hour (after her cup of coffee, of course!)
What Inspires Her:
The laughter, singing, and community of the sisters reminds her that holiness is full of abundant joy in the Lord.
Sr. Sara Cecilia Ferreira
Temporary Professed

Sr. Sara Cecilia Ferreira
Temporary Professed
Sr. Sara Cecilia, HMSS grew up in Massachusetts with her parents and younger brother. In college she grew closer to Jesus and Mary through spending time in Eucharistic Adoration. After two years of teaching at an elementary school, she felt the Lord calling her to spend more time and form a deeper relationship with Him which led her to religious life..
Joined Community: August 22, 2021
Entrance to Postulancy: August 22, 2021
Entrance to Novitiate: August 6, 2022
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Cecilia loves spending time singing praise and worship music, especially with her sisters as it is a way of truly feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit in our community and giving praise to our Lord.
What Inspires Her:
Sr. Cecilia loves watching the school children in Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. Seeing their simple and total love for Jesus, and hearing that love as they sing, gives her joy and brings her closer to Jesus.
Sr. Audra Magdalene Marie Hoffmeister
Temporary Professed

Sr. Audra Magdalene Marie Hoffmeister
Temporary Professed
Sr. Audra Magdalene Marie, HMSS grew up in Ohio in a faith-filled family. A desire for 'something more' always burned in her heart and she felt God nudging her to follow Him in a deeper way. After graduating college, volunteering abroad, and starting a career as an engineer, a deep encounter with God led her to respond to His invitation.
Joined Community: August 22, 2021
Entrance to Postulancy: August 22, 2021
Entrance to Novitiate: August 6, 2022
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Magdalene Marie enjoys Rosary walks with her sisters, as encountering the beauty of creation draws her to a deeper contemplation of God's constant presence, upholding and sustaining everything.
What Inspires Her:
Reading the lives of the Teresa saints (St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Teresa of Avila) who loved God profoundly and tenaciously clung to Him in all things.
Sr. Ashin Anastasia Roby Kalladanthyil
Temporary Professed

Sr. Ashin Anastasia Roby Kalladanthyil
Temporary Professed
Sr. Ashin Anastasia, HMSS was born in India but raised in South Florida since the age of two. She grew closer to Mother Mary who drew her to the Lord in middle school. In 9th grade, Sr. Anastasia felt the call to religious life, however, decided to do so after graduating from college. After working in higher education for a few years and one year in a missionary and formation program called Amoris Christi Institute, she moved forward in making a concrete yes to the Lord.
Joined Community: August 21, 2021
Entrance to Postulancy: August 22, 2021
Entrance to Novitiate: August 6, 2022
First Profession of Vows: August 15, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Anastasia loves the formation she's receiving in classes and by living in community because it has led her to a deeper reliance on Christ and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide her in the way of Love.
What Inspires Her:
The hidden life of Mother Mary and Christ who raised the dignity of ordinary life with its struggles and joys. Also, St. Therese of Lisieux opened a ways for her to live out her call to holiness in everyday life.

Sr. Alaina Furman
Second-Year Novice

Sr. Alaina Furman
Second-Year Novice
Sr. Alaina was born and raised in a Catholic family, growing up in northern Virginia with her parents and younger brother and surrounded by many extended family members in the area. She graduated from college in 2009 and earned her Master's degree in Library & Information Science in 2020. It was in the midst of her graduate studies that she began to follow the Lord's prompting to discern a religious vocation. Over the years of discerning, her relationship with the Lord grew and deepened; and He opened her heart to hear and accept His loving invitation to be His alone in religious life.
Joined Community: July 31, 2022
Entrance to Postulancy: August 2, 2022
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Alaina loves sharing joys and laughs with her sisters throughout the day, especially over meals; it's during these times that she feels the warmth and strength of the community's bond as a family.
What Inspires Her:
The writings of holy women like Saint Therese of Lisieux and Saint Faustina remind and comfort Sr. Alaina that even the littlest of souls can become great saints.
Sr. Beatriz Galindo
Second-Year Novice

Sr. Beatriz Galindo
Second-Year Novice
Sr. Beatriz was born in Guatemala but was raised in Florida with her younger sister. In college, she first met our Sisters through their presence in campus ministry. The Lord placed a desire on her heart to know Him more deeply, which led her to enter following graduation.
Joined Community: July 31, 2022
Entrance to Postulancy: August 2, 2022
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Beatriz enjoys the rhythm of set times of prayer throughout the day, especially after waking up.
What Inspires Her:
Stories and lessons from her older sisters in community and learning about the liturgy and its meaning for our lives.
Sr. Amanda Marie Hartwell
Second-Year Novice

Sr. Amanda Marie Hartwell
Second-Year Novice
Sr. Amanda Marie Hartwell grew up in Florida with her parents and six siblings. Throughout her childhood she was inspired by the many faithful Catholics who surrounded her and by reading the lives of the saints. Sr. Amanda felt the call to religious life near the end of high school, and after prayer, discernment, and finishing college, was finally able to respond with full freedom to the call of Christ.
Joined Community: July 31, 2022
Entrance to Postulancy: August 2, 2022
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2023
Highlight of Daily Life:
Sr. Amanda loves the balance and flow of religious life, where all things flow from and back to Jesus in the Eucharist, and each day is repeatedly given back to God in prayer.
What Inspires Her:
The knowledge that God loves me infinitely and desires to be known and loved by me, and that He has called me to share His love with others because He thirsts deeply for the love of all His children.
Sr. Megan Henle
Second-Year Novice

Sr. Megan Henle
Second-Year Novice
Sr. Megan was born surrounded by the cornfields of Minnesota. After college, she adventured out into life as a Catholic missionary. Her love of God and His people brought her to this next step of entering religious life to bring His love to His people and His people to Him.
Joined Community: August 1, 2021
Entrance to Aspirancy: August 4, 2021
Entrance to Postulancy: August 2, 2022
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Megan loves the daily joys of community living as well as the consistency of prayer, particularly in Eucharistic Adoration.
What Inspires Her:
Saints who have given their yes to Christ with their whole hearts, once and again each day. Seeing how God transforms hearts, minds and lives, she is inspired to be an instrument of His love to the world.
Sr. Katie Krantz
Second-Year Novice

Sr. Katie Krantz
Second-Year Novice
Sr. Katie Krantz is from West Bend, WI and is the youngest of three children in her family. She has been so blessed to have grown up learning to love and grow in her Catholic faith, and has always heard a call to live for more than the world can offer. After graduating from college and serving in volunteer ministry, she has been given the opportunity to respond to the call of Christ and pursue Him with all of her heart through a religious vocation.
Joined Community: July 31, 2022
Entrance to Postulancy: August 2, 2022
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2023
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Katie loves the intimate time she gets to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration and hearing His voice through Sacred Scripture during Lectio Divina.
What Inspires Her:
Sr. Katie loves seeing Jesus in the everyday interactions with her sisters and striving to live each day as Mary would take care of the Holy Family, knowing that Christ is always present.
Sr. Kristin Foresman
First-Year Novice

Sr. Kristin Foresman
First-Year Novice
Sr. Kristin grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana with her parents and older sister. Kristin grew generously in her faith, by the grace of God, beginning in high school after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. She was part of amazing Catholic communities that continued to bolster her faith and lift her up to Christ in undergrad at Purdue and in graduate school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After pursuing and practicing her degree in occupational therapy, Jesus pursued her heart and prompted her, with great love and gentleness, to say yes to a richer union with His Heart in the Eucharist through deeper discernment of religious life.
Joined Community: September 22, 2023
Entrance to Postulancy: September 23, 2023
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Kristin loves adoring Jesus’s Heart in the Eucharist and taking time set apart to allow Jesus’ Heart to speak to her in Sacred Scripture through Lectio Divina every single day.
What Inspires Her:
The knowledge that God Himself came down to us as a little Child through Mother Mary, and in turn, wants to lift us all back up to Him as His little children through Mother Mary.
Sr. Elizabeth Jasek
First-Year Novice

Sr. Elizabeth Jasek
First-Year Novice
Sr. Elizabeth is from Dayton, Ohio and is the second youngest of five siblings. She studied at the University of Notre Dame where she met the Sisters on a retreat, leading her to enter Postulancy following graduation.
Joined Community: September 22, 2023
Entrance to Postulancy: September 23, 2023
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Elizabeth enjoys singing the Divine Office and hymns in both English and Spanish to the Lord with the Sisters.
What Inspires Her:
Sr. Elizabeth is inspired by the many witnesses in her life who live their consecrated or lay vocations with faithful consistency and sacrificial love.
Sr. Olivia Staverman
First-Year Novice

Sr. Olivia Staverman
First-Year Novice
Sr. Olivia Staverman grew up in northern Kentucky with her three older siblings. She felt drawn to religious life from a young age, but it wasn’t until high school that she truly fell in love with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. After teaching Junior High religion for two years, she felt Jesus invite her to take the next step and enter religious life.
Joined Community: September 22, 2023
Entrance to Postulancy: September 23, 2023
Entrance to Novitiate: August 22, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Sr. Olivia loves her time spent adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. She also likes praying compline and wrapping up the day with the Sisters in light of the Eucharist.
What Inspires Her:
Sr. Olivia feels inspired by the knowledge of God’s unending love and mercy.
Postulants & Aspirants
Carly Bosse

Carly Bosse
Carly grew up in Orlando, Florida and went to the University of South Florida in Tampa for college. After experiencing a reversion to the faith in college at a local parish, she felt the Lord calling her to dedicate her life to Him through service in Campus Ministry. She graduated from USF in 2017 and began work as Campus Minister for the Catholic Student Union at USF where she served for 6 years. During this time, there was a deepening of this call on her heart. In 2019, Carly experienced the Lord’s pursuit of her heart in a profound way, calling her to dedicate her whole life to Him.
After her time in Campus Ministry, she served as the Youth Minister at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Land O Lakes, Florida. While she was a youth minister, the Lord introduced her to our Institute and she said yes to this new journey of formation and discernment.
Joined Community: August 4, 2024
Entrance to Postulancy: August 7, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Carly’s favorite part of daily life is time spent in front of our Eucharistic Lord. Whether for Liturgy of the Hours, Lectio Divina, or a daily Holy Hour, she loves being with Him who loves her so fully.
What Inspires Her:
Carly is inspired by the Lord’s particular love and pursuit of each person’s heart. She has seen this in college ministry, in the life of her community, and in her own life as well. Out of this love, Jesus would have endured his Passion and Crucifixion even had it just been for you alone.
Elizabeth Cottle

Elizabeth Cottle
Elizabeth grew up in Winter Garden, Florida with her family of eight. With a child-like faith during her youth, Elizabeth enjoyed attending retreats and visiting the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with her friends. After having a conversion of heart at a Steubenville Conference during high school, she experienced a deeper intimacy with the Lord, and at last gave her yes to Jesus’ call to be His alone during college. During her time of ministering to college students, she encountered the great loneliness, confusion, and aching for God that torment the young people of today. It is with a heart full of love for these lost ones that she continues her discernment, uniting herself more closely with the consuming love of God in the Eucharist.
Joined Community: August 4, 2024
Entrance to Postulancy: August 7, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Elizabeth enjoys visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during the quiet hours of the night. It is in this solitude with Him that she feels His tenderness toward her and she offers to Jesus all of her loved ones, the affairs of the day, and the stirrings of her heart.
What Inspires Her:
The humor of God in the little things of life.
Ana O’Donnell

Ana O’Donnell
Ana grew up in Jacksonville, Florida with her parents and younger sister. She has always loved the Catholic Church, especially a great number of hymns which enriched the intimacy she had for Mama Mary and Jesus. After graduating from St. Joseph Academy Catholic High School, she studied for two years at Florida State College at Jacksonville, FL (FSCJ). During her college studies, she was involved with Campus Ministry through the Catholic Ospreys. Ana was also working as an aftercare and assistant teacher with two preschools in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Jesus pursued and won her heart when Mama Mary called her to do St. Louis De Montfort’s Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary. With incredible joy, Ana gave her Fiat, broke off her engagement, and gave her whole being to her Beloved, Jesus.
Joined Community: August 4, 2024
Entrance to Postulancy: August 7, 2024
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Ana loves her daily hour in Eucharistic Adoration. She is filled with great peace when the Lord beckons her to remain in the garden just to let Him gaze at her and she receives His gaze.
What Inspires Her:
Ana is inspired by her friend in Heaven, the Little Flower, St. Therese, and her “Little Way”. She has always been inspired by and has grown in deep love of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima and the Apparitions at Garabandal.
Anna Sutton

Anna Sutton
Anna grew up in Indialantic, Florida with her twin and younger sisters. Her relationship with Jesus developed during her time at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School and through the Life Teen program offered at the Parish. Service, particularly in Church and with youth, has always been a source of joy for her and she often found herself helping in various ministries. Anna later served as a missionary with Life Teen, continuing her formation. It was a summer during high school that she first felt the Lord invite her to be a bride of Christ as a religious sister, but it would not be until after college that He would show her the Community that would be her home. She attended both Ave Maria University and the University of Florida, and it was at the University of Florida that she met our Sisters. After a year of teaching and further discernment, Anna has now entered Postulancy to more closely unite her will to His will by deepening her love and knowledge of Jesus.
Joined Community: August 4, 2024
Entrance to Postulancy: August 7, 2014
Highlight Of Daily Life:
Anna finds joy in the call and return to prayer throughout the day. Whether she is praising Him with her Sisters, interceding for the needs of His children and the Church, or listening to His voice in the quiet of her time in Lectio Divina and Adoration, being in constant dialogue with Jesus brings her life and peace.
What Inspires Her:
Anna is inspired by her new Sisters in community. The older Sisters are a witness to persevering and faithful love of Jesus for her; the younger Sisters show her the excitement and adventure of beginning religious life. Both reveal to her that saying yes to Jesus is a joy and a risk of love worth taking.