“But while [the son] was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”
I have heard this parable so many times in my life, and it is one of my favorite biblical passages. Like many of you, I identify with the sinful younger son at some times, and with the jealous, selfish older son at other times. But that is not what establishes my identity; for me the message of the parable goes beyond knowing me a sinner. For me, the main point is that I AM LOVED BY MY FATHER! This is my identity. The Father has come to me, has encountered me, has embraced me and has kissed me! He has kissed all my wounds, and he will continue to do so because HE LOVES ME!
I invite you, or rather, I beg you, to run to the encounter of the Father and allow Him to embrace you and kiss you. Go inside your room, go to a Church outside of Mass times, go out in nature and using your imagination toss yourself into the Father’s embrace, let his strong arms cuddle you as a baby, let his lips cover your head and face with kisses and let healing tears wash away all those memories of when you have felt unloved.
The Father is waiting, and you might not be aware of it, but your heart is yearning to be loved wholly and eternally by the Other.
Be assured of my prayers for all those of you who dare to open up their hearts to this awesome experience.
I, like Elizabeth of the Trinity, “when I look back, I see the Divine Pursuit of my soul; oh! What love as if I were crushed beneath its weight, then I am silent and adore!”
Chris Tomlin – Good Good Father
In the Eucharistic heart of Jesus,
Mother Jeanette Marie Estrada, HMSS