Praised be Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
This reflection was written by Sr. Joseph Marie Allensworth, HMSS on December 23, 2024
A few weeks ago, one of our students joyfully sang this song for Allie, our dog, as her class walked back into the school after a fire drill: I’m on my way! I’m on my way! I’m on my way! The other students were saying, “Come on Allie!”; “Where is Allie?”; “Is she okay?” All of the little ones were so attentive to making sure Allie was safely back into their classroom, even more so than attentive to where they themselves were.
As we come closer to Christmas and the coming of our Savior’s birth, the “Allie Song” keeps running in my mind and heart. Jesus is on the way. He’s coming into the world in a couple days. He wants to make His dwelling with us. Mama Mary and St. Joseph are almost to Bethlehem. The Holy Family is on the way! They are on the way!
It has struck me over and over how joyful it truly is that He is on the way. If I am honest, I spend most of my time attending to the places in my heart I feel not ready for Jesus to be with me in or the places in my heart I am desperate to encounter Jesus in. Sometimes I lose sight of the joy of the journey of this life of faith, the simplicity of being on the way. Jesus desires to be with me just as I am, not as who I want to be or think I am supposed to be. He is calling me to journey with Him and His Holy Family exactly where I am today and allow their love to transform me.
As the day draws near for Jesus to come on Christmas, I feel Him inviting me today to just enjoy the way. Enjoy the way with His Holy Family. I thank God for how He has prepared my heart this Advent season to be His dwelling and also for the places I do not see as ready for Him yet. As Blessed Solanus Casey, OFM Cap said, “Thank God ahead of time.” I thank God He is coming to be with me just as I am right now. What a gift that Jesus keeps coming to me each day when I receive Him in the Eucharist and adore Him in Eucharistic Adoration!
Where’s Jesus? He’s on the way with me! We are on the way! As we walk the last days of Advent, I pray Jesus gives each of us the grace to love the way. To enjoy this walk with Him on Earth until we meet Him face to face in Heaven with unveiled faces. For today, I will rejoice in the journey on this side of heaven and enjoy the simple things: Jesus in a stable, Christmas lights, being with my Sisters, and all the Christmas fun. Jesus is on the way! Let us rejoice and be glad! He is taking us on the way with Him. We are on the way!
O God, who gladden us year by year
as we wait in hope for our redemption,
grant that, just as we joyfully welcome
your Only Begotten Son as our Redeemer,
we may also merit to face him confidently
when he comes again as our Judge.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.~Collect Nativity of the Lord (Vigil Mass)