Hesed Discernment Day Retreat
V.J.E. Join our Sisters in Gainesville, Florida for a Hesed Discernment Day Retreat! The day will include Eucharistic Adoration, talks on discernment and our charism, and more! Register here: https://forms.gle/mCzERFZdZxpqXwVq6 Contact Sr. Trinity, HMSS for more information: srktrinity@catholicgators.org
Saint Joseph Altar
Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center 7560 George O'Neal Road, Baton Rouge, LouisianaA free event for the whole family to enjoy! Come join us for our Annual Saint Joseph Altar dedicated to the sick and the dying at our Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center in Baton Rouge, LA. Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center 17560 George O'Neal Road Baton Rouge, LA 70817
Encounter Ministries School of Identity
Join our Sisters and Encounter Ministries in Gainesville, FL for a two-day intensive to help you grow in your identity as a son or daughter of God! This two-day training highlights some of the most transformational elements of the Encounter School of Ministry Identity and Transformation quarter and is geared to renew your mind, increase […]
A Day of Insight with Jeff Cavins
Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center 7560 George O'Neal Road, Baton Rouge, LouisianaCypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center will be hosting Jeff Cavins in the Divine Providence Chapel on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Tickets are $60, continental breakfast and lunch are included. To learn more and purchase tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-day-of-insight-with-jeff-cavins-tickets-522987147637
Mexico City Regional Encounter Conference 2023
Join our Sisters at the Encounter Conference in the land of our Motherhouse! La conferencia de Encounter es el evento principal para encounter ministries. Buscamosreunir a los principales líderes en la renovación eclesiástica para provocar un encuentro conDios que reviva la fe, alentar e impartir máyor unción para el ministerio Los participantes a esta conferencia […]