We would love for you to join us in praying for more religious vocations to our community! Each day, we recite this prayer:
O Mary, Mother of Christ the eternal high priest, and Mother of the Church, we come to you and humbly ask you, to awaken new religious vocations for the service of the people of God, especially to the Mercedarian family. Strengthen our Catholic homes in faith which bears fruit; so that disciples and witnesses of your Son may be harvested from them. Touch the hearts of our young people, invite and bring them to the heart of Jesus. May they grow in his warmth and in the mystery of total self-giving in service of the Gospel. Mother of Mercy, our Mother, bless us with holy vocations to the religious life and priesthood. Amen.
In gratitude for your prayers, please fill out this form and we will put your name at the foot of our altar, keeping you in our prayers daily as well!