8 Ways To Make The Most Of Adoration

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8 Ways To Make The Most Of Adoration

“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” St. Teresa of Calcutta 

“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” St. Teresa of Calcutta 

When you want to hear the voice of God, spend time with Him. The saints who have gone before us have encouraged us to run to Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist when we are in need of spiritual direction. It is in Adoration that we come to know Our Lord and have the opportunity to gaze upon His Love made visible.

If you’ve never spent an hour in Eucharistic Adoration, don’t be intimidated. It’s not difficult. It is simply sitting in the presence of Jesus and soaking in His graces. You can pray a rosary, read your Bible, or journal if you feel the need to “do” something, but it’s not necessary. Though we hear the term Holy Hour, any amount of time is acceptable. Begin with just a few minutes and grow from there.

Whether you’ve never been to Adoration before or you go frequently, our community, the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, would like to offer you our free eBook, 8 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Time In Adoration. 

Devotion to the Eucharist is one of the pillars of our charism. We desire to see all Catholics embrace this form of prayer because we have personally experienced the many fruits, blessings, miracles, and graces that come about as a result of spending time with Our Lord present in the Holy Eucharist. 

In this eBook, members of our community present tips that they have found helpful in making the most of their time spent in daily Adoration. They’ve also included many quotes and teachings from the saints to help you grow in your understanding of this beautiful devotion!

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